A film by Martin Fraudreau
Directed by Martin Fraudreau and Caroline Behague

Running Time: 52'

/ Format: HD

/ Available versions: FR | EN

1860. Alexandre Dumas waits for his photographer friend, Gustave Le Gray, and turns to the camera to readjust the usual portrait of him. Major figure of the French literature, Alexandre Dumas was almost never represented the way he was: a mixed-race writer whose life was marked by the destiny of his father, and animated by two passions, the Republic and History.

By reconstructing one of his posing sessions, we imagined questioning Dumas. It was an opportunity for us to capture the character off-camera and try to solve the political, artistic and intimate mysteries that surround him. By giving him back the floor, it becomes a story in progress, a living account that is being told. It is also a way of approaching questions other than through classical and unequivocal analysis.

A new and direct way of hearing the voice of an extraordinary writer.

A film by Martin Fraudreau
Directed by Martin Fraudreau and Caroline Behague
Produced by Sylvie Gautier


Produced by Camera lucida productions
French broadcaster: France 3

Bring ideas to life, tell stories through images with a high quality standard

Created 15 years ago by François Bertrand, Camera Lucida is an independent production company, offering a wide range of documentary films on various themes, from Science to Society, including Art, Nature and Music.