Musical direction: Laurence Equilbey
Insula Orchestra 

With the Fura dels Baus and Carlus Padrissa, Laurence Equilbey and the Insula Orchestra have imagined a show that resonates with the music of Beethoven's century and contemporary concerns. "Pastoral for the Planet" is a symphonic opera staged by the delirious troupe of the Fura dels Baus, which speaks of ecology, the end of a world and the necessary reconstruction.

Musical direction: Laurence Equilbey
Insula Orchestra 

Staging: Carlus Padrissa
Scenography and visual content: Mihael Milunovic
Video and audiovisual creator: Jose Vaalina - Eyesberg

Coproducers: Camera Lucida Productions & Insula Orchestra
With the participation of de France Télévisions


© Camera Lucida Productions - Insula Orchestra – 2020 

Bring ideas to life, tell stories through images with a high quality standard


Created 15 years ago by François Bertrand, Camera Lucida is an independent production company, offering a wide range of documentary films on various themes, from Science to Society, including Art, Nature and Music.